北京时间2月2日 本APP曾经专访过的LOL唯一女选手Remi在推特上发了一条疑似退役的推特。此后更是连发数条,看得出来退意已决。
end it all with a hug from @aphromoo thank you guys for the support, it was fun.
跟Aphromoo (CLG辅助)拥抱之后,一切都结束了,感谢你们的支持,很开心。
if you take it from me
live your life for yourself
cause when its all said and done
you don't need anyone else
如果你把它从我身边带走 自己过自己的生活,因为它的所言所行 都意味着你不再需要任何人
i really don't hate league of legends it's been my escape for so many years.
maybe one day i'll be able to show people how much i've put into this game on a big stage, but i have to fix my own problems first.
how can i regret anything i've done if i got a @Tsundere_Revy out of it.
不管如何,作为一名登顶LCS的女职业选手,我们祝Remi未来的生活一切顺意。Best Wishes for Remi (and her girlfriend)!
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